Great Dane Stud Dogs
Blue Stud Dogs
Click on the links below to access each dog.
CH Barolo vom Bismarckwaldchen
CH Bgdawg's Smokin' Hot Casanova BN RA
Blueprint's Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
CH Bluestone's Flying High Again
CH Coleridge Bandito de MacLeo
BIS MRBIS MBISS GCHS Creek Danes I'm The Head Honcho V Enzo AOM GDCA
GCH Creeks Summerset's Caught Your Eye
BISS Can Ch Dantrydanes Hubba Bubba Blue
CH Dark Horse's Wolfn' Dwn The Pie
Am/Int CH Della's Lucky Luciano V KRW, CGC
CH Dreamkeepers Capra's Northern Exposure V Stuhr
CH Dreamkeepers Great Adventure
Enrico's Honor At Morning Dew Danes
CH Enzo's There's Only One Hugo Boss
Habib Ilan v. Jewel's Blue, Dutch Champion, Dutch Junior Champion
DDC CH, VDH CH, Belgian CH, Dutch CH, FCI Int Ch Highlander von der Schlehhecke
CH Kappadane Colrdge Remmington Steele
CH Knopf's Elwood Blues Sharcon
GCH KRW ABW Dancing In The Moonlight TT
Lawaetz Footprint of a Blue Titan
DKJUCH DKJV19 Lawaetz Excellent Charmer
CH Leggo’s Gunslingin’ Lawman Wyatt Earp CGC TT TKN AOE AOM
CH Madison's I'm Worth Your Time At Northernaire
CH Magic's Ferdinand Knopf, CGC
Int CH MGD EIO Gallantree Too Fast For U
GCH CH Int.Nat.UKC CH MGD Imperial Stormtrooper WYSIWYG
CH Oceanblue Coleridge Rau BCAT
CH Sterling’s Azure Fibonacci CD RA CGC
Am CH / Can GCH Sterling's Whitewater Knight RN TKA CGN VGD NS
CH Terminetor -B del Castello Gamenario
Can CH WYSIWYGs Everyones Driven By Something! RN FDC TT THDN CGC TKN